

a photo of  X-ray showing a hand
The meaning of an X-ray (radiograph) in a medical field is an image (picture) of bones and internal organs made by sending small amounts of radiation through the body. It is used to detect bone or joint problems. It also can be used to check the heart and lungs (Chest X-ray).

There is a radiation called x-ray. X-ray is a radio wave. When the radiation passes into the body it produces a small quantity of ionizing radiation that helps to reach the goal of the required a portion of particular area of the body. (X ray)
The images are formed by X-rays are due to the different absorption rates of different tissues, different parts of the body absorb the x-rays in different degrees. The internal parts such as fat, muscle and organs make the passage of radiation through them easily. Due to this reason the appearance of bones on photographic film seen as white and the appearance of gray color is for the above mentioned tissue which absorbs less radiation. Air absorbs the least radiation, so lungs appear black on a radiograph.
Until now, x-ray images were maintained as a difficult film copy. Now a days, most images are digital files that are stored electronically. The up-to-date x-ray and the old ones can help to analyze or detect the disease of a patient. (X ray)

Wilhelm Rontgen
American Thomas
       The history of x-ray show there are many x-ray inventors. The first among them is called Wilhelm Rontgen. According to Rontgen, he found the possibility of rays to go through paper and wood. Rontgen started his first finding in 1845. He took an x-ray of the arm of his wife who had a wedding ring on her figure. Other important figures in the history of x-ray are American Thomas Alva Edison (was borne on 1847) improved another type of X-ray which was called fluoroscope in 1896. A fluoroscope is a machine which was invented in 1871 by Walter Cannon; an American the instrument is to note down the action of barium through the digestive system of humans and animals. In 1873 another American called William David
 Coolidge developed the first tube for x-ray especially to be used for medical purposes. 1890 – 1970: British physicist sir William developed a system of mathematics that could be used to interpret the interference patterns. The method is known as crystallography.
 X-ray cannot pass through the heavy atoms like metal because the object will absorb the atoms. It is easy for x-ray to go through the flesh in which the atoms are light. A strong ray in the form of a beam goes as far as to reach a target which is in the form of metal. The x-rays are taken in order to get the high energy of the rays more. The low energy is blocked by a filter so as to allow the desired high energy rays to go through a patient on the required sheet of film. The second sheet of x-ray is unwanted one. That makes the first film look clearer.   If there is calcium in bones it is regarded having metal on the body. A technician fakes a photographic film in order to simplify the problem of the patient. These type of rays were found not to be safe for the skin but later a lot of medical improvement was achieved. For the reason that the fetus is more susceptible to potential harm, pregnant women x-rays should be limited.( X-ray machine)
Importance and usage of x-ray:
X-ray is useful for detecting fractures of bones, internal stomach diseases and many other benefits besides the medical ones. Fluoroscopy is an X-ray test methodology. This way often uses the administration of a medical contrast material (intravenously, orally or via enema). X- Ray can be used as a treatment. It is largely used for the management of cancer; it needs higher radiation energies than for imaging alone. The separation of the molecular of penicillin, insulin and DNA.
X-ray can also be used in criminal investigation, to detect criminals while they are travelling from place to place with their baggage. There is a sample that is produced from x-ray pattern. It can be compared with the x-ray pattern of all known elements. Based on this technique is the analysis of hair or blood samples.
   X- Ray is also important in industrial radiography, x-ray pictures of whole engines or engine part. Like the section of natural gas pipelines can be searched for damage. For security in the airports, x-ray is used to check the baggage of the passengers looking for a gun or things which are not allowed.
Researchers have been working on dark-field x-ray images for many years. Now researchers have the potential to develop the use of dark field type of powerful x-ray in medical and other industrial fields it is possible but so expensive. The high level types which are produced by dark-field x-ray could produce the findings of breast Cancer, Alzheimer's, disease and to check the kind of explosives in un accompanied luggage. Other x-rays produce just a simple check is dark field. The type of the x-ray is to catch the scattered radiation in material itself in order to give an operator a chance to see the changes in bone and soft tissue


The importance of Airbags in road safety
Airbag is an extra safety measurement in cars. It purpose is to aid the seat belt in reducing the injure and prevent it in car accident. It's basically a big bag which is made of a piece of cloth, nylon or polestar and rubber. It opens in less of a blink of an eye in case of a collision. Airbags save thousands of lives which are involved in car accidents daily.

Airbags expand in a speed of 300km/s which guaranty it readiness as a block between the passenger and the internal car parts before he slams in it strongly, the airbag reduce the probability of getting injured and increase the percentages of survival. Since 1999 adding airbags to cars became a must.
There are many kinds of airbags. First, the driver airbag, it's inside the steering wheel and opens during a front collision to prevent the collision of the upper part of the driver body into the steering wheel. The second type is an airbag which is special for the front passenger who is setting beside the driver; it has a completely different shape when it opens up. The third type is specific for side collisions, it is inserted inside door and hand seats, they opens up in case of side collisions. The fourth type is specially designed for passengers in the back seats. The airbags are inserted inside the rear of the front seats which opens up to protect back seat's passengers. Finally, a new kinds of airbags which has been recently invented, it is inserted inside the car roof to protect the passengers head, it is specific for side collisions or in case the car rolled over.

Airbags are designed in a way that prevents it from opening under normal driving conditions such as pressing the brakes too hard or stomping over obstacles. The airbag works automatically; it is controlled by an electronic chip which senses the sudden slow down of speed. If this chip sensed that the vehicle has slowed down dramatically and suddenly, it sends specific signals to another electrical device whose job is to connect an electrical current to another device which heats up an explode able wire inside a small metallic box which contains small pellets of Sodium Acid, this explosion create huge quantity of Nitrogen gas, this gas quickly fills up the bag which makes it stick outside and create what is known as airbags. When airbags opens up a small quantity of nitrogen gas starts to come out of the airbags to make it shrink again. There is probability of small burn injuries caused of the hot gas coming from the airbags; this is quite rare unless the passenger wasn't wearing his seat belt. After the accident, the airbags system must be re-enabled by the repair specialists. The airbag is improved constantly to make it fit with the changes that occur on vehicles and the science of safety measurements, Because of that we notice a lot of differences between the first version of airbags and the ones we have right now, and between what it became today and what it was in the past, now most cars have one unlike in the past.


camel accident

Last year my brother, my friends and I went to the desert to camp. We were driving back home when we saw an accident between car and a camel. This was quite late at night on the highway between Liwa and Abu Dhabi.

The accident was about this car that had been playing. When suddenly they saw group of camels walking across the highway street, the car had been driving very fast and couldn’t stop on time. he was driving fast and had seen the big camels crossing the street and managed to only hit one camel because it swerved to miss the others. The car was damaged a little. The driver was not hurt badly but the important thing was that most of the camels that were injured were later able to be fixed. The biggest camel sat down and it could not move. It was badly hurt and I think had to be killed.

At the end of the big accident the police came to find out what had happened also to help the driver and camel owner. They called the ambulance and others to clean up the road and we continued to go home.