

The importance of Airbags in road safety
Airbag is an extra safety measurement in cars. It purpose is to aid the seat belt in reducing the injure and prevent it in car accident. It's basically a big bag which is made of a piece of cloth, nylon or polestar and rubber. It opens in less of a blink of an eye in case of a collision. Airbags save thousands of lives which are involved in car accidents daily.

Airbags expand in a speed of 300km/s which guaranty it readiness as a block between the passenger and the internal car parts before he slams in it strongly, the airbag reduce the probability of getting injured and increase the percentages of survival. Since 1999 adding airbags to cars became a must.
There are many kinds of airbags. First, the driver airbag, it's inside the steering wheel and opens during a front collision to prevent the collision of the upper part of the driver body into the steering wheel. The second type is an airbag which is special for the front passenger who is setting beside the driver; it has a completely different shape when it opens up. The third type is specific for side collisions, it is inserted inside door and hand seats, they opens up in case of side collisions. The fourth type is specially designed for passengers in the back seats. The airbags are inserted inside the rear of the front seats which opens up to protect back seat's passengers. Finally, a new kinds of airbags which has been recently invented, it is inserted inside the car roof to protect the passengers head, it is specific for side collisions or in case the car rolled over.

Airbags are designed in a way that prevents it from opening under normal driving conditions such as pressing the brakes too hard or stomping over obstacles. The airbag works automatically; it is controlled by an electronic chip which senses the sudden slow down of speed. If this chip sensed that the vehicle has slowed down dramatically and suddenly, it sends specific signals to another electrical device whose job is to connect an electrical current to another device which heats up an explode able wire inside a small metallic box which contains small pellets of Sodium Acid, this explosion create huge quantity of Nitrogen gas, this gas quickly fills up the bag which makes it stick outside and create what is known as airbags. When airbags opens up a small quantity of nitrogen gas starts to come out of the airbags to make it shrink again. There is probability of small burn injuries caused of the hot gas coming from the airbags; this is quite rare unless the passenger wasn't wearing his seat belt. After the accident, the airbags system must be re-enabled by the repair specialists. The airbag is improved constantly to make it fit with the changes that occur on vehicles and the science of safety measurements, Because of that we notice a lot of differences between the first version of airbags and the ones we have right now, and between what it became today and what it was in the past, now most cars have one unlike in the past.

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